Hello, everyone! In the spirit of St. Patrick's Day, I decided to share with you one of my favourite creations. It's delicious, healthy, and very green! Avocado Pesto Noodles! Enjoy!
For this recipe, you will need:
1 large avocado
1 tablespoon pesto
1/2 to 1 teaspoon minced garlic
A good shake of Himalayan or sea salt
Nutritional Dry Yeast (Substitute for Parmesan cheese)
Liquid Aminos (Substitute for soy sauce)
Liquid Aminos (Substitute for soy sauce)
A squeeze of Sriracha (Optional)
A splash of olive oil
1.) Take your avocado and mash it up in a bowl. Don't worry too much about chunks at this stage as we'll be further mashing!
2.) Add in your pesto and garlic and mix thoroughly.
3.) Add in your olive oil and Sriracha. This makes the mixture maneuverable and adds more depth. If you don't have Sriracha, any other hot sauce will do! You want to add enough to where you get the flavour, but not the spice. A few drops is all you need!
4.) I would next add in your Nutritional Dry Yeast. If you don't have this in your cupboard, an ideal alternative is a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. This is a healthy substitute, and it tastes exactly the same!
5.) At this point squeeze in some lime to keep your avocado from browning. Taste your magnificent creation to see how much (or how little) salt you would need.
Going with the green theme, I prepared some spinach Shirataki noodles, plonked them in a bowl and dalloped some of the avocado-pesto mixture on top. You can of course use any other type of noodle with this! I find this is the most enjoyable way to eat it, though I'm not sure why. You can also pair this with tortilla chips, as it doubles for an awesome guacamole!
If this appeals to you at all, feel free to recreate it! Take a picture, post it to Instagram and tag me at @jordanndaniielle! I'd love to see your version of it!
Thank you for reading! If you didn't like this post, I hope you'll enjoy some of my previous ones!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Jordan x