January 20, 2018

How To Make 2018 Your B*tch

What's up, my babies?!

I don't know about you, but my 2018 got off to quite a shitty start. I've had to deal with more dog/family/health issues than I ever thought possible, and I've also managed to tear my upper thigh muscle somehow. Life is rough! Although the universe thought it was pulling a fast one on me by placing all of these obstacles in between me and my happiness, I feel that I handled each issue thus far in a healthy, and even therapeutic way.

Today, I'm going to teach you how to kick life's ass and handle any situation that the universe may throw at you. For the sake of relativity and example-giving, I've focused this post on life events such as break-ups, school, death, and facing your fears. Let's get started.

You Can't Control the Universe
It's important to acknowledge that most of the things that make us upset are things we can't control. You can control things that involve your common sense, but when it comes to things like the weather, the actions/opinions of others, or the mortality of our being, I'm afraid that's outta your hands. We can't control the universe, but we can control the way we handle the crap the universe flings at us. Accept the things you can't control, and don't dwell on something you can't fix. Shit happens. Pick yourself up, give yourself a little hug, and let it go.

Learn Your Lesson
Although this sounds like the biggest load of bologna, everything really does happen for a reason. Sometimes the reasons aren't so apparent, and sometimes you have to come up with the reasons yourself. If you're getting bad grades, it may be time to change your studying habits or the way you take notes. If you and your partner break up, have an understanding of what caused the break-up and figure out how to prevent those issues from developing in future relationships. When it comes to the death of a family member, you can use their passing as a wake-up call to be more active in the lives of the people you love, or to be more conscious of your health if they passed away from a certain (potentially hereditary) ailment. Every life event, whether good or bad, has a lesson to learn from it.

Get Closure
This is my third and final step regarding life events. In order to get over/move on/recover from a life event, you need closure. Closure gives you a sense of reassurance, relief, and resolution of an issue. It's basically what you feel when you watch the final episode of your favorite TV series and learn that every character has tied their loose ends and is sure to live happily ever after. When it comes to the termination of a relationship, you can receive closure by being on good terms with your ex. When it comes to death, you have a couple of options. You could receive closure by reassuring yourself that your loved one's death was peaceful, painless, and/or instant. If, unfortunately that is not the case, you could receive your closure by making sure they are eternally loved and remembered by doing something to honor them.

In my case, I chose to keep my great-uncle's memory alive by getting a tattoo for him. We used to call each other 'Great', and now the word will serve as a reminder that he is always with me. I found that the process of getting this tattoo was very therapeutic, and it brought me a sense of peace that I don't believe I would've had if I hadn't gotten the tattoo. It was a comforting, uplifting, and somewhat spiritual experience that helped my broken heart to heal.

Get It Done
Remember those things you've been putting off for weeks, months, or years? It's time to get 'em done! To-Do lists are a necessity for you this year. I like to start every day with a list of 'inspirations' or things that are motivating me to complete the things on my to-do list. For instance, I might see someone wearing a gorgeous outfit which could prompt me to clear out my wardrobe and revamp my style. Your inspiration could be money, which could encourage you to do your homework so you can graduate and get a good-paying job! Most of the time, my inspirations are people. One of my biggest inspirations is YouTuber, Zoe Sugg. Zoe's success on YouTube has allowed her to release several books, create a ridiculously successful beauty and lifestyle brand, and even be immortalized as a wax figure in London's Madame Tussauds wax museum. The success Zoe and has had from pursuing her passion is what pushes me every day to create awesome, meaningful content on my blog and my YouTube channel. Who or what inspires you? Write them down and use them as motivation to complete your to-do list!

Face Your Fears
Now that you've conquered life events and procrastination, it's time to conquer your fears. This year, I want you to do something that scares you. These things could be anything from telling someone how you feel, to bungee jumping, to nude modeling. If you've been dying to do something but've been too scared to do it, now is the time! This is going to be a challenge for me, as I'm too scared to ask for a menu to look at while waiting for a table to open up in a restaurant. (If the restaurant is busy I wanna order as soon as possible, not wait even longer!) I'm also too scared to ask a stranger if I can pet their dog, which sucks because I love dogs more than anything. This year I'm gonna conquer those fears and many more!

Clean Your Room
I never said these steps were gonna be fun, y'all. I cannot stress to you the importance of a clean living space to a clear mind. I know that when my bedroom is messy, it stresses me out more than I already am. Your bedroom is supposed to be your safe place, not your stressor! Give your bedroom a deep clean, starting from the inside and working your way out. Begin by clearing out your closet, getting rid of any clothes that you know you're never gonna wear. Next, clear out your desk drawers and your nightstand. Once you've cleaned out every closet and drawer in your room, move onto the main space. Cleaning from the inside and working your way out prevents you from carrying any mess over into a freshly cleaned section of your living space. A clean room can act as your sanctuary, and the process of cleaning your room can work as a distraction from anything that you'd rather not think about at that moment. 

We All Die
This 'step' isn't meant to scare you, but instead to make you re-evaluate your priorities. No matter what happens throughout your lifetime, we all know how it's going to end. Frankly, we are born to die. So don't take life too seriously! Stop occupying your mind space with stress and negativity and start having fun! It can be so easy to get caught up in the stress of everyday life, and it can be just as easy to forget about how insignificant those stressors are in the grand scheme of things. Don't let little, insignificant inconveniences take years off your life. If it won't matter in 5 years, it shouldn't matter now. Stop stressing and start living!

Take Your Vitamins
I'm serious, you guys! This step deals with your physical health rather than your mental health. Invest in a quality multivitamin and take one every day as a part of your routine. You may not be able to feel the difference right away, but the act of taking a multivitamin to better yourself will automatically make you feel better. While we're at it, I'd recommend taking vitamin D for your S.A.D. and biotin for your skin, hair, and nails! But then again, I'm just a love doctor.

That's all of the sage wisdom I have for today! I hope this post has helped you in some way, or that it was at least a tiny bit entertaining. I hope that the rest of 2018 treats you well, but if not, now you know to change that! In the wise words of Pitbull, "Everyday above ground is a great day; remember that."

Jordan x