Hello, my friends!
On my daily drive home from school, I get to take a gorgeous, winding road, lined with trees and dappled with sunlight. This road is about 3 miles long, and for those 3 miles, I feel quite relaxed. When this road comes to an end, I have to turn left onto a very busy road, monitored by only one stop sign. Turning left across two lanes is quite scary for me, and it's been something that has stressed me out since I first learned to drive. I know how to do it, but I dread it when there's not a set of stoplights telling me what to do.
One day while I sat at the stop sign with my left blinker on, the cars zoomed past and I wished that my route home allowed me to turn right everyday instead of left. Turning right meant I only had one lane of traffic to worry about. Then I realized something. If all I ever took was right turns, I'd just go around in circles (or squares) for the rest of my life.
This little realization has taught me that if all you ever take is right turns, you're never going to get anywhere. You must take risks and do the things that scare you in order to get where you want to be. Don't take the easy way out. Face your fears head-on and overcome them. Step out of your comfort zone. Turn left!
I hope you didn't find this post too cheesy! For those of you who live in countries where you drive on the left side of the road, pretend this blog post is titled, "All Left Turns". Replace all the 'right's with 'left's and it should make more sense!
Thank you for reading, and I'll see you all very soon for my first autumn-themed post!
Until then,
Jordan x
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