May 20, 2015

Summer Playlist 2015

Hello, my friends! My deepest apologies for the blogging radio silence during the month of May. So much has happened, but I haven't had any time to document it!

You might remember a post I made last autumn, called my Autumn Playlist 2014. If you didn't already guess, it was basically a post in which I created a playlist of songs that I was loving during the season and tracks that reminded me of autumn. Winter came and went without any new music discoveries, but since then, I've discovered a few amazing artists that I want to share with you all.

Like I said in my last Playlist post, I have quite an interesting taste in music. For some reason, a lot of the artists in this playlist happen to be young, British males with a knack for strange lyrics. What are the odds! I hope you like these songs, but if you don't, I apologize! Without further ado, here is my Summer Playlist of 2015. Enjoy!

Mess Is Mine- Vance Joy

Blame It On Me- George Ezra

Grow Old With Me- Tom Odell

Budapest- George Ezra

Long Way Down- Tom Odell

Best Fake Smile- James Bay

Talk- Kodaline

Barcelona- George Ezra

All Comes Down- Kodaline

To make things easier for you, I made a YouTube playlist of all the songs featured in this post. Click here to listen to it!

I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do. They are very special to me at this point in my life! Do you have a favourite song or artist at the moment? If so, let me know in the comments section below! I'd love to know what type of music you're into!

See you in my next post!
Jordan x