August 10, 2014

England Adventures: What I Packed

Hey, everyone! Last Tuesday, my family and I jetted off to England for a week-long holiday. I cannot express to you how excited I was for this trip! It's been a dream of mine since I was 12 and for 3 years now, I've been planning on moving to England and pursuing my career as an adventurer! Every aspect of the country draws me to it, from the thatched roofs to the seashores to the buses and clock towers! It's calling my name, and I'm definitely listening.

Anyways, I thought it'd make for a fun blog post if talked you through the contents of my suitcase and explained to you the reasoning behind some of the items I brought with me. The contents of one's suitcase could vary depending on your gender and/or the destination you're travelling to. These are going to be the basics that I think everyone should have in their suitcase. Let's get started!

1.) Clothing

Since weather during the English summer can be slightly unpredictable, I decided to bring clothing for all occasions. Whether it was rainy and cold or warm and sunny, I'd be appropriately dressed for anything! Luckily, it was sunny and beautiful the whole time we were there.

I stupidly forgot to take pictures of the full wardrobe I packed away neatly in my suitcase, but thank goodness I made use of the full-body mirrors I saw along the way! For this trip, I brought an array of garments including flowy tops, a light sweater, shorts, a skater skirt, a maxi skirt, a dress, a sweatshirt, two pairs of walking shoes and a pair of flip flops. Here are a couple of the outfits I put together.

Remember to always pack your outfits accordingly! You wouldn't want to arrive in Alaska during the winter and realize you've only packed shorts and T-Shirts!

2.) Hygiene Stuff

No matter where you are in the world, it's highly recommended that you stay clean and hygienic! For this trip, I brought the essential toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, deodorant and lip balm. I also snuck in some hair ties, bobby pins and floss. My other hygiene/beauty essentials included a cleanser, moisturizer and hairbrush, but those were packed away long before I took these pictures!

This toothbrush came with it's very own case and pouch. It was the cutest thing!

3.) Technology Doohickeys

Behind modesty and hygiene, the next most important thing during my travels was technology. On this trip, I took my Nikon camera for picture-taking, batteries to keep my picture-taking device running, a charger cord and power box for my iPhone, and headphones for the obnoxiously loud plane ride and train journeys. Once again, my memory failed me and I forgot to photograph the headphones with the rest of the items, but you can imagine what two wimpy, little earbuds look like!

One might say that 'vacation is a time to get away from technology', but how are you going to prove you went on vacation if you have no way of documenting it?! I think technology is completely essential when travelling and aids beautifully in preserving the memories you'll look back on in so many years time.

That's pretty much all I packed for England! I wanted to make sure I traveled extra light on this little escapade. Another thing to remember when packing, especially when you know you're going to be using other modes of transportation besides plane, is to only bring the things you need. Believe me, lugging unnecessary things around when you've got places to be is the last thing you want to do!

I hope this has helped you slightly in your efforts to pack a suitcase with confidence! The only thing I felt was missing was a little portable hand lotion, but that was fixed easily by a trip to Boots.

Stay tuned to this space for the real adventure!

Have a wonderful day!
Jordan x

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