December 30, 2015


Hello, my people! How are you cuties?! 2015 is almost over, and with the end of one year comes the start of another. Since January of 2015, my life has flipped completely upside down. I am here today to talk you through my 2015, make some resolutions for 2016, and give you some of my top tips on how to have a great year! Enjoy!

This time 365 days ago, I thought 2014 was the best year of my life. Although it was a great year, it pales in comparison to 2015! So many major life events have happened in the last 12 months. In April, I got a job and a boyfriend. In May, I got my driver's license. From June to August, I worked up to 35 hours a week and traveled in my spare time. From September to now, I've been creating/developing my beliefs/lifestyle and hardcore planning for my future. During 2014, I finally found myself. During 2015, I actually made something out of myself.

Although 2015 has been difficult, the hard work has definitely paid off.

Be Clean
This year I am challenging myself to maintain a clean room and a clean mind. A clean living space aids in a clear mind, so they kinda go hand in hand! Just having an uncluttered life in general helps to reduce stress and make you happier. Who doesn't want that?

Be Present
In this day and age, we are all far too attached to our gadgets. Our lives are literally a fraction of a millisecond on the timeline of the earth, and if we don't look up from our phones once in a while, we will miss it. I don't want to be someone who looks back on their life and realizes and how unfulfilled they are and how much of their life they wasted online. Although I feel I do a pretty good job of this, a major resolution of mine for 2016 is to be more present. 

One way of achieving a clear mind is through meditation. Meditating is something I've been trying to do for years, but my life has always been too chaotic to completely relax and focus. I'm hoping that in 2016, I'll obtain enough willpower to cancel out all of the distractions.

Practice My Irish
Back in 2013, I started teaching myself the glorious Gaelic language. I've always been so proud of my Irish heritage, and I wanted to get more in touch with that part of myself. Over the past couple of years, I haven't been practicing as much. I really want to let back into the swing of it!

Start Off on a Clean Slate
Similar to my first resolution, start off clean. You don't want to begin your year with 2015's baggage! Clean your room, organize your closet, clear out your phone, get rid of all your clutter.

Stop and Stare
You could say this goes along with the resolution of being more present. Take a look around! Make eye contact with the person you're talking to! You might not want to stare at them, but make sure they know you're present in the conversation. Take time to admire and appreciate your surroundings, even if it's something you go past every day. You can always find something new!

Make Time
Make 2016 the year of no excuses. Call up that friend you've been wanting to see for months and invite them out to lunch! Make time to pamper yourself and watch YouTube in the bath. Make more time for whatever makes you happy and relaxed.

I would ask that you reading this would hold me to my resolutions, and in return, I can told you to yours! I hope you take my tips into consideration, not only for 2016, but for all years to come. I hope 2015 treated you well, and I wish you the best in 2016!

See you then!
Jordan x

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